Sunday, April 24, 2022

Pharibhasa sutra

What is a paribhasa sutra? It is often seen that one of the first few verses of a spiritual book or chapter presents its very essence. If it does, then this verse is called the paribhasa-sutra. Although usually appearing only once in a whole book or chapter, it is the regulator, the king ruling over all the other verses.

In other words, the paribhasa-sutra presents the sole purpose, conclusion and final message of the book ruling over and taking precedence over all the other ideas or teachings appearing in that book or chapter.

In Krishna Sandarbha (29), Sri Jiva Goswami says, “A paribhasa-sutra explains the proper method for understanding a book. It is the key shloka to understand the actual purport of a book or chapter, and a series of apparently unrelated facts and arguments that may follow.

“There may be millions of statements or verses in a book, but they are all regulated and subordinate to this one “the strongest” verse or superior statement, “the final word”, the paribhasa sutra, which is what the book is really about and the message it wants to convey.”

According to tattva-vichar (transcendent truth), Sri Jiva Goswami and other Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas say the paribhasa-sutra of Bhagavatam is (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.28), krishnas –tu –bhagavan –svayam, which establishes Bhagavan Sri Krishna as the supreme and topmost personal form among all the Vishnu forms.

However, according to rasa-vichar, the consideration of rasa, divine love and bliss, the first verse of the Srimad Bhagavatam is the paribhasa-sutra, because it presents the adi-rasa, or madhurya-rasa of Radha and Krishna in Vrndavana, the ultimate conclusion and purpose of Srimad Bhagavatam.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Forest dwelling / Жизнь в лесу

Good morning to all of you! 
You may ask, why would I invite you to vanaprastha group? Let me say this! There is small forest lover inside of us all. If you hesitate to agree, then go to visit closest forest or even park and you will notice that this feels more natural and pleasant than bricks and cement. Ultimately we are all invited by Krishna to his holy forest of Vrindavan, leaving behind all other Ballywoods and Hollywoods.

Доброе утро всем вам!

 Вы можете спросить, зачем мне приглашать вас в группу ванапрастх?  Позвольте мне сказать это!  Внутри каждого из нас живет маленький любитель леса.  Если вы стесняетесь согласиться, то сходите в ближайший лес или даже парк, и вы заметите, что это кажется более естественным и приятным, чем кирпичи и цемент.  В конце концов, мы все приглашены Кришной в его священный лес Вриндаван, оставив позади все другие Балливуды и Голливуды.