Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Greatest service

Lalitā-devī is expert at everything. In particular she performs feats of magic, composes and deciphers riddles, and fashions all manner of things from flowers, like awnings, couches, and ornaments. Of all flower ornaments, best are her five-pointed flower crowns called puṣpaparā, which are made with five colours of buds and flowers. Rādhā taught Lalitā the art of making these floral tiaras.

But perhaps Lalitā’s greatest service lies in her effort to inspire every girl in Vraja to devote her body and soul to the service of Śrī Rādhā, by joining Rādhā’s entourage of gopī friends and maidservants.

 Lalitā-devī’s chief assistant is Rūpa-mañjarī, who in the form of Rūpa Gosvāmī promotes Lalitā’s mission — which is identical to that of Kṛṣṇa’s — amongst the conditioned souls of this world. 

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