Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Cowheard man forget the passing of time.

The residents of Goloka appear to be simple cowherd men and cowherd women, but their spontaneous love for Kṛṣṇa far exceeds the spiritual perfections of Lord Nārāyaṇa’s eternal associates, not to mention the attainments of the liberated jñānīs and yogīs of this world. The unmatched good fortune of Goloka’s gopas and gopīs is attested to by their own homes, which are built with spiritual gems. Each one of those gems is far greater in value than that of all the Vaikuṇṭha planets combined. So immersed are the Vraja-vāsīs in loving exchanges with the Lord that they forget the passing of time, which, although eternally fixed in the present, also drives the sequence of events that constitute their loving pastimes with Kṛṣṇa.

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