Thursday, May 12, 2022

Rukmini's surrender

Hare Krishna! 

Today marks the appearance day of Rukmini Devi, one of Krishna's primary queens in Dwaraka. Rukmini Devi is the eternal consort of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She is the internal pleasure potency of the Lord. Whereas Srimati Radharani is Krishna’s consort in His childhood home of Vrindavana, Rukmini Devi is His chief queen in Dwaraka, His opulent capital.

Rukmini Devi is mentioned in the commentary by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura to the Srimad Bhagavatam verse 7.5.23, where Prahlada Maharaja mentions 9 processes of devotional service. Last and most exalted is atma-nivedana. Thakurji mentions that this full surrender can be with bhava or vithout it. Example of first is Rukmini Devi, the later one being example of Bali Maharaj.  Both surrendered soul and body to the Lord!

Happy Rukmini Dvadashi!

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