Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Where is glorious Vṛndāvana ?


Where in Bhauma Vṛndāvana are the forests of desire trees, the rivers of nectar, the homes made from transcendental gem, the pristine land beyond illusion, the resonance of the flute? 

Actually, the dhāma is still there.

Just as a rain cloud obstructs our view of the sun, the cloud of illusion covers our vision and we lose sight of the original form of the aprakaṭa-dhāma. Please don’t misunderstand. The material energy cannot cover the dhāma any more than a cloud can cover the sun; rather, matter stands between the conditioned souls and the unmanifest dhāma, blocking their perception. In other words, Kṛṣṇa’s potency (antardhāna-śakti) initiates a process that drapes a veil of matter over the dhāma, a covering that residents and visitors see and walk upon and that obscures the dhāma’s presence more and more.

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