Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Who is Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī Prabhu?

Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī Prabhu is an eternally perfected associate of the Lord. He is jagad-guru and the emperor of the devotees. In kṛṣṇa-līlā he is Śrī Rūpa-mañjarī. Śrī Rūpa Prabhu is also an intimate devotee of Śrī Gaurāṅga. He does not belong to the jīva-tattva and is not an ordinary living entity. Rather, he is the master of the living entities and part of the Lord’s internal energy. He is dear to the daughter of Vṛṣabhānu.

Śrī Rūpa Prabhu is special among the devotees of Lord Gaurasundara, and is extremely dear to Śrī Gaurasundara Himself. Śrī Rūpa Prabhu understood Śrī Gaurasundara’s internal mood. No other follower of Gaurasundara acted as an ācārya manifesting the topics of the highest supreme service. Śrī Gaurasundara’s confidential internal mood is shown only to those who follow Śrī Svarūpa Dāmodara and Śrī Rūpa. Therefore, we are all indebted to Śrī Rūpa. As long as the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava sampradāya exists, no one will deny Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī Prabhu’s extraordinary and matchless charity. Neither can anyone repay his debt to Śrī Rūpa Prabhu, even those who surrender fully at his feet. He who dwells in the lap, on the chest, and on the head of Śrī Kṛṣṇa is our eternally worshipable Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī Prabhu. The dust from his lotus feet is our most cherished item. His lotus feet are our only hope and shelter.
How can we attain Kṛṣṇa’s service? Śrī Kṛṣṇadāsa Kavirāja Gosvāmī Prabhu tells us to serve Kṛṣṇa by serving Śrī Rūpa and Raghunātha. Our realization of the Lord’s service is determined by how we are cheated of the lotus feet of Śrī Rūpa Prabhu. Śrī Rūpa’s followers possess all opulence. Śrī Rūpa is the ideal example of how to cultivate Kṛṣṇa consciousness. In the ordinary historians’ vision, he was a disciple of his elder brother Śrī Sanātana Gosvāmī, but even Sanātana Gosvāmī Prabhu begs Śrī Rūpa’s mercy. Śrī Sanātana Prabhu says that those who do not aspire for Śrī Rūpa’s mercy will never see the beauty of service to Rādhā-Govinda.
When fruitive workers and impersonalists began to gather strength in their attempts to discredit devotional service, Śrī Gaurasundara required a commander-in-chief who could preach the philosophy of devotional service and defeat their arguments. Śrī Rūpa and Sanātana were His two commanders-in-chief, and all their followers formed the Lord’s army. Śrī Svarūpa Damodara Prabhu is the leader of the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavas, and through him all armies are recruited for defeating the opponents of bhakti.
Śrī Rūpa’s army has no weapon other than kīrtana. Śrī Gaurasundara empowered His commander-in-chief Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī Prabhu to use this weapon when they were together at Prayāga; He taught him how to lead an expedition against those opposed to devotional service and how to protect oneself from bad association. By discussing the battle, we can also learn to fire at the conceptions of people opposed to bhakti. We too can learn to destroy sinful mentality, fruitive and other forms of material desire, atheism, godlessness, and any other contrary mood.
Amṛta Vāṇī - Nectar of Instructions for Immortality, Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Yantra-vidyā (technology)


As Mother Durgā has ten hands, each equipped with a weapon sufficient to kill the demons, Śrīla Prabhupāda also has multiple weapons. With harināma, prasāda, books, festivals, and other transcendental devices and techniques, he destroys the demoniac mentality. Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda!

As Mother Sarasvatī presides over all branches of Vedic knowledge, so Śrīla Prabhupāda also seemed to know about and was an expert in everything: philosophy, science, history, music, cooking, business, accounts, practical economics, art, architecture, legal matters, and so on. The only thing he did not seem to know much about, or have much interest in, was yantra-vidyā (technology), a branch of knowledge meant for the demons.

Book by Bhakti Vikāsa Swami "Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda!", chapter "An Analysis of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Qualities".

In his podcast on March 22, 2023, H.H. Sivarama Swami mentions the story of how Arjuna saved Agni by allowing him to burn the Khāṇḍava forest and consume all medicinal herbs. After that  Agni wanted to give Arjuna blessings by giving him yantra-vidyā, knowledge of machines, so-called technology, so, when Krsna heard that, Krsna said "No!", "It will ruin everything!"

 Modern education is all about this yantra-vidyā, technology. It is the knowledge of the demons and it is coming from the lower planets. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Govardhana sila or Raghunatha


During his stay in Vrndavana, Visvanatha worshiped Deities of Radha Gokulananda and Sri Giriraja. His Govardhana sila have lotus  thump imprint of Lord Caitanya and was was first worshiped by Lord Caitanya, then Raghunatha Dasa Gos­vami, Krishna Dasa Kaviraja, Sri Mukunda Dasa, Srimati Krishna Priya Thakurani, and Visvanatha Cakravarti. Today this Giriraja Govardhana Deity resides in the Radha-Gokulananda temple in Vrndavana. 

This shila bears the thumb print of Lord Caitanya. He used to chant while holding the shila, pressing it to His heart or eyes. The shila was always moist with Lord Caitanya’s tears. He would place it on His head or smell it. Lord Chaitanya kept this shila for three years and then gave it to Raghunatha dasa.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta - quotes


Though the Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta is carefully structured in its organization, it is dramatic and imaginative in its overt form. Though based on the Śrīmad Bhāgavata Purāṇa, of which it aspires to express the essence, or nectar (amṛta), it is not in the form of a commentary as such. It is itself a Purāṇa- like tale which, though composed by Sanatana, is told as if an ancient discourse by King Parīkṣit to his mother, Uttarā. Like a Purāṇa, it presents exemplary personages, memorable incidents, and striking imagery. All of this serves to nourish the reflection and meditation, i.e., the smarana (lit. remembering), of devout readers or hearers. The content of the text is words, but these are picture words rather than book words. (Introducton)

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Yes, the young gopis of Vrndavana are unquestionably Krsna’s best devotees, but for neophytes, still addicted to material lust, merely establishing the gopis as a distant ideal is of little practical use, and may even be dangerous. By understanding that to emulate the gopis’ perfect devotion is extremely difficult, honest persons might feel frustrated, and the dishonest will imitate anyway and degrade themselves. Therefore Narada in his encounters with various devotees carefully traces out the real foundations and natural progress of pure devotion, in a way that readers can follow according to their own spiritual disposition. ( Preface)

Monday, March 13, 2023



Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu Text 1.2.137:

atha arcanam:

śuddhi-nyāsādi-pūrvāṅga-karma-nirvāha-pūrvakam |

arcanan tūpacārāṇāṁ syān mantreṇopapādanam ||

Translation: Next, WORSHIP:

Offering of the materials or ingredients along with mantras (revealed syllables with transcendental potency) to Lord Viṣnu after one has first finished purification of the elements and nyāsa , is called arcana, i.e. worship. 


Śuddhi here refers to bhūta-śuddhi, purification of the elements of the body. Nyāsa refers to nyāsas such as mātrikā-nyāsa. These and other actions (purvāṅga-karma) are performed prior to the offering of items (such as lamp and flowers) to the deity. Offering of items with mantras (1) along with these preliminary activities is called arcana.

(1) Remark by H.H. Bhanu Swami: Mantras would usually be dikṣā-mantras.

Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu Text 1.2.296:

śravaṇotkīrtanādīni vaidha-bhakty-uditāni tu |

yāny aṅgāni ca tāny atra vijñeyāni manīṣibhiḥ || 

Translation: As to the listening, singing, meditating, etc., which are the various Angas of Vaidhi Bhakti and which have previously been described, the wise should know them to be useful in Raganuga Bhakti as well.

Śrī Viśvanātha’s rejects nyāsa in his commentary on BRS 1.2.296 for rāgānuga-bhaktas:

“tāni cārcana-bhaktāv ahaṅgrahopāsana-mudrā-nyāsa-dvārakā-dhyāna-rukmiṇy-ādi-pūjanāni āgama-śāstra-vihitāny api naiva kāryāṇi”.

After considering with intelligence, one should select activities conducive to one's sentiments for Krsna, and not those activities which are contrary to one's sentiments. Though prescribed in the scriptures, activities of deity worship such as worshipping Rukmini, meditation of Dvārakā, performing mudras and nyāsas, or identifying oneself with the Lord and worshipping oneself, should be rejected.

Friday, March 3, 2023

The Eight Darshans of Shrinathji


The Eight Darshans of Shrinathji


Legend has it that the Gopis living in Braj used to love Krishna so intensely that they would try and make up just about any excuse to go over to Yashoda’s place to get a glimpse of their beloved Nandgopal. Yashoda, being highly protective of Krishna, would often be concerned about the Gopis wandering around her house at all times of the day. Hence, she decided that they could visit him only at particular times of the day – after he finished eating or as he was resting and so on.  Based on this belief, Vallabhacharya stipulated that his Lord would give his devotees darshan at particular hours in a day and decided on 8 times per day, when the doors of the sanctum sanctorum would be opened for devotees to have a glimpse of the Lord.


Below are the 8 darshans in detail:

 1. Mangala

This is the very first darshan of the day. Shrinathji is gently woken up with the sound of the Shankha or conch, being blown in the background. This darshan lasts up to a time period of 45 minutes. This time may vary with each different season. Darshans start a little later during summer; the reason being that the Lord plays for longer with his friends in the hot weather, and so, he would need more sleep to get back his energy.  Child Krishna’s adornment is also simple at this time of the year. He wears a thin adbandha. He is also not given his flute, as others would forget everything else and stop doing their work if he started playing his instrument.

During the winter season, he is put to sleep earlier and so, is woken up earlier as well. In this season, he is covered up with a thick rajaai or blanket and only his face is visible to devotees. There is a sigri or fire lit before him, so as to keep him warm. Milk, mishri, buttermilk and sheera are considered to be Shreeji’s favorite bhog (eats).

The Mangal Bhog Sheera is hence one of the most common items made for Prasad.  An elaborate aarti is then performed to attain the Lord’s blessings. This dou vat batti aarti or aarti with two standing wicks, is performed with seven full and seven half rounds.

It is believed that all his little friends would come to visit this  beautiful aarti. Songs composed by the poet Shri Parmanand are sung during this darshan.


2. Shringar

The Shringar aarti takes place after about an hour from the Mangala darshan. Here, Shrinathji is dressed up and ornamented beautifully, in accordance with the particular season and time of the year. Interestingly, the Lord’s attire and jewelry he would wear on each day of the year had been fixed by Gusianji about 500 years ago. That same tradition is followed even today. Hence, the Lord never wears the clothing he has worn once that year.  In this aarti, the Lord is offered garlands of flowers and a pink lotus is pinned at his waist.

He is also seen with his flute in this aarti. After his Shringar is done completely, he is shown a gold mirror, so that he can be pleased with the way he looks. This ritual of showing him the mirror is believed to be the most important moment of the entire darshan, with devotees thronging to have a glimpse of this wonderful sight. Shreeji appears to be happy and proud, standing tall, as if appreciating his own good looks.

This darshan has no aarti. A bhog of dry fruits and sweets is offered to him during this darshan. Keertans and bhajans (devotional songs) of the poet, Kavi Shri Nand Das is sung at this time.


3. Gwal

The Gwal darshan comes one and a half hours after the Shringar darshan. This darshan is usually not open for the public during special occasions and festivals. During this darshan, the cowherd Nandlala is believed to be taking his cows for grazing.

The leaves of the Tulsi plant are offered to the Lord and a Dhoop Dhunni is carried out, so that he is not affected by the evil eyes of others. Again, the dou vat batti aarti is performed, followed by a bhog of milk, kheer, rabdi and so on. Keertans of Kavi Shri Govind Swami are sung at this darshan.


4. Rajbhog

This is the fourth and the most impressive darshan of them all. Just before this darshan opens to the public, the priest loudly asks the sevak (helper) to bring Shreeji’s garland. The Lord’s garden is believed to have been at a little distance, and hence, the priest beckons the sevak to hurry up with his job. This very elaborate darshan is open for longer than all the other darshans.

Then, Shivji is called for, asking him to take a darshan of the Lord. The idol of Shivji was also installed in a temple near the Banas River, when Shrinathji shifted to Nathdwara. It is believed that Shivji too participates in the Rajbhog darshan, within a round semicircular area, just in front of Shreeji. Hence, no one else is permitted to step into this area at the time of the Rajbhog darshan.

The Lord is adorned with a new garland and he is seen with his flute. Triangular betel leaves are offered to him, followed by an elaborate aarti. He is offered all types of food that make up for a royal lunch befitting his exalted status. The Lord’s food is always sweet and no spice is added to his food. His drinking water, which is fragrant, is always mixed with rose water, kesar (saffron) or sandal essence. Milk mixed with saffron is believed to be his favourite drink. Songs composed by the poet Shri Kumbhan Dasji are sung for this darshan. After his darshan, the Haveli is shut for the entire afternoon, since he has to take his vishram or rest. The next darshan takes place only after 3 hours, after the Lord is done with his siesta.


5. Utthapan

This is the first darshan of the latter part of the day. The darshan starts at around 3:30pm and goes on for 45 minutes. Here, Shreeji is woken up with the soothing sound of the Veena. The child Krishna is still a bit groggy after waking up and so, the environment in the Haveli is calm and peaceful at this time. A bhog of fruits and milk products are offered and devotional songs of poet Shri Surdas are sung in praise of the Lord.


6. Bhog

After about an hour after the previous darshan, there is the Bhog darshan. During the summer season, little fountains are started in order to cool the environment. In winters, a coal sigri is lit in order to provide adequate heat to Bal Krishna. A golden fan made of peacock feathers, called morchadi, is waved around the idol of the deity. This darshan also includes a flower shringar or flower bangala. Later, a bhog of fruits, a few light snacks and Thor is offered to the Lord, along with keertans of poet Shri Chaturbhuj being sung during the darshan.


7. Sandhya Aarti

This darshan comes immediately after the Bhog darshan. It relates to Yashoda doing an aarti for her divine son. The deity’s clothing here is light and soft, as he is preparing for bedtime. The child Krishna is given his flute and so, everything around becomes serene and quiet. In this darshan, Bhog is also offered to the Sudarshan Chakra. Keertans of Kavi Shri Chitta Swami are sung at this time.


8. Shayan

The Shayan darshan is the last one for the day. As the name suggests, this darshan is to put the child Krishna to sleep. Here, the sevak goes out on the terrace to call out to the chief chef to report early next morning for work. The playing of drums signify the opening of the darshan. A melodious bhajan is sung in the form of a lullaby. Shreeji is given his  flute and the Veena is played for some time.

A lush rich carpet is spread out, leading all the way to Shreeji’s room. In the room, a gold bed is made ready for the Lord to rest on. It is believed that Radha would also join him, and so, her apparel and ornaments are also kept ready.

A bhog of water, laddoos and paan (betel leaves) are kept ready for him. Keertans of Kavi Shri Krishna Das are sung at this darshan.  Being the last darshan of the day, it becomes dark and silent all around, till Krishna is woken up again the next morning for giving his first darshan. The wooden platforms from the “Dolti Bari” of the main audience chamber and the doors to the “Sinh Pole” – the huge door guarded by tigers – are left open for the night. Since the child Krishna is asleep, there are no chances he will run out from the gates and hence, it is considered safe to keep them open!

Not only the temple, but the entire town seems to retire into an attitude of quiet as soon as Shreeji is put to sleep .