Saturday, March 18, 2023

Govardhana sila or Raghunatha


During his stay in Vrndavana, Visvanatha worshiped Deities of Radha Gokulananda and Sri Giriraja. His Govardhana sila have lotus  thump imprint of Lord Caitanya and was was first worshiped by Lord Caitanya, then Raghunatha Dasa Gos­vami, Krishna Dasa Kaviraja, Sri Mukunda Dasa, Srimati Krishna Priya Thakurani, and Visvanatha Cakravarti. Today this Giriraja Govardhana Deity resides in the Radha-Gokulananda temple in Vrndavana. 

This shila bears the thumb print of Lord Caitanya. He used to chant while holding the shila, pressing it to His heart or eyes. The shila was always moist with Lord Caitanya’s tears. He would place it on His head or smell it. Lord Chaitanya kept this shila for three years and then gave it to Raghunatha dasa.

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