Monday, March 13, 2023



Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu Text 1.2.137:

atha arcanam:

śuddhi-nyāsādi-pūrvāṅga-karma-nirvāha-pūrvakam |

arcanan tūpacārāṇāṁ syān mantreṇopapādanam ||

Translation: Next, WORSHIP:

Offering of the materials or ingredients along with mantras (revealed syllables with transcendental potency) to Lord Viṣnu after one has first finished purification of the elements and nyāsa , is called arcana, i.e. worship. 


Śuddhi here refers to bhūta-śuddhi, purification of the elements of the body. Nyāsa refers to nyāsas such as mātrikā-nyāsa. These and other actions (purvāṅga-karma) are performed prior to the offering of items (such as lamp and flowers) to the deity. Offering of items with mantras (1) along with these preliminary activities is called arcana.

(1) Remark by H.H. Bhanu Swami: Mantras would usually be dikṣā-mantras.

Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu Text 1.2.296:

śravaṇotkīrtanādīni vaidha-bhakty-uditāni tu |

yāny aṅgāni ca tāny atra vijñeyāni manīṣibhiḥ || 

Translation: As to the listening, singing, meditating, etc., which are the various Angas of Vaidhi Bhakti and which have previously been described, the wise should know them to be useful in Raganuga Bhakti as well.

Śrī Viśvanātha’s rejects nyāsa in his commentary on BRS 1.2.296 for rāgānuga-bhaktas:

“tāni cārcana-bhaktāv ahaṅgrahopāsana-mudrā-nyāsa-dvārakā-dhyāna-rukmiṇy-ādi-pūjanāni āgama-śāstra-vihitāny api naiva kāryāṇi”.

After considering with intelligence, one should select activities conducive to one's sentiments for Krsna, and not those activities which are contrary to one's sentiments. Though prescribed in the scriptures, activities of deity worship such as worshipping Rukmini, meditation of Dvārakā, performing mudras and nyāsas, or identifying oneself with the Lord and worshipping oneself, should be rejected.

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